Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Pi Zero W

When I installed the SD the Pi Zero W came with from CanaKit, I had a heck of a time getting it working. First, the micro USB hub I had from Amazon basics didn't work.
Then I had to manually load up the wifi config.
I installed libSDL, advmame (thanks Silverman) and fceux and ... performance was crappy.
But I couldn't see anyone else saying Asteroids was broken out the box.
So I tried to install my Pi2 SD...
I learned that older versions of raspbian don't work with the Zero. Not even if you
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install rpi-update
  • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  • sudo rpi-update
    Its because PiZeroW runs best with the latest raspbian build, Jessie. It doesn't like the old build, Wheezy as the wifi is flakey.
    So after a couple flips of build, it looks like my original video settings we mangled on the SD card that shipped with the Pi Zero W. My latest attempt work - and Pacman is playable with latest advMame - but asteroid is not. That said, Super Mario works like a charm...
    Now I need to discover how to tune the Pi Zero.
    And my Orange Pi arrived...
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